The Blarney - Waterloo - Blarney Looped Walk
I enjoyed this very pleasant walk recently. I think it took us a few minutes over an hour, but there were some stops for photos. Of course, you can turn around at many points and come back if you want a shorter walk. It is easy enough as it is mostly on the flat and the paths are good. Just be careful when you have to go out on the road on the approach to the Waterloo Inn. The pictures and words below will help you on your way.
Coming into Blarney from Cork City, via the Mallow Road,
turn right onto the Waterloo Road (signposted).
After a few hundred yards, you'll see the walk car-park
on your right. Just follow the path, with the river on your right.
Picture above was taken as I looked back soon after the start. |
Making progress, with River Martin along side. |
There are a few of these plaques along the way in the early stages |
The final 600 metres or so of the outward stretch must be done on the public road.
There is no footpath so be careful and stay inside the yellow line. Just after the Inn,
turn right and take the Stony Path up towards the church. |
As you get up close to the church, you'll spot a "tunnel" to your right. Go under
this - it takes you under the road - and take the path, again to the right. |
You are now on the return stretch. There is farmland to your left and a belt of trees and bushes
to your right between you and the main Cork-Mallow Road. |
Continue on this path - you may well see this lady on the left - until it ends. |
At that point, you'll see this bridge and the main road below.
Use the path to cross and now you're on the final leg. |
It is mainly down-hill now, passing quite a a few housing estates as you
near Blarney on the Station Road. Turn right at the end, when you see
this small shopping area, and make your way back to the car-park
on the Waterloo Road. |
Hope this helps. If there are any errors, please let me know.
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